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10k Challenge Ideas

There are so many ways you can complete a 10k challenge this October to raise vital money for nurses and midwives in need.

Here is a list of some ideas to get you started, but the only limit is your imagination! You could use this as an opportunity to try something new (like swimming or running?), or turn an existing hobby into a 10k-themed challenge.

Take part as a team, or do a solo challenge, complete it on one day, or over multiple days. It’s all about having fun and doing it YOUR WAY!

  • 10k run – you can find options for 10k runs here:
  • 10,000 steps in a day
  • 10k family walk
  • 10 reps of your nearest hill in one go
  • 10 reps of your nearest hill every day for a week
  • 10,000m of swimming over the month of Oct
  • 10,000m of swimming in one go
  • 10k mountain hike
  • 10,000 seconds of yoga
  • 10 hours of yoga
  • 10,000 steps a day for a week/month
  • 10k family bike ride
  • 10k bike ride every day for a week/month
  • 100km of cycling in October
  • 100km of running in October
  • 10 hours of Zumba
  • 10,000 seconds of Zumba
  • Lift 10,000 Kilograms (10 tonnes!) over a week/day in Oct (500 reps of 20kg)
  • 10,000 seconds on a spin bike
  • 10 hours on a spin bike over a week/month of Oct
  • 10,000 stitches of sewing
  • 10,000 seconds of dancing
  • 10,000 seconds of karaoke
  • 10 reps of bodyweight exercises every day for 10 days, or for the whole month

(10,000 seconds is 2 hours and 46 minutes, which makes it a perfect time to dedicate towards taking on a challenge!)