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You’re transforming lives

Your #10kForNurses challenge will raise life-changing funds for nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants facing hardship.

With each k completed, you will be transforming lives. The lives of nursing professionals like Joanne.

Aggressive breast cancer meant health visitor Joanne’s career abruptly halted. Rounds of radiotherapy and chemotherapy followed the shocking diagnosis, and on top of this, Joanne was struggling to make ends meet.

“I was having a meltdown. I couldn’t see how to cope. That’s when I was put in touch with Cavell Nurses’ Trust. It was like going from desperation to elation. It sounds silly but I remember I punched the air!”

Cavell Nurses’ Trust stepped in and provided money to get Joanne back on her feet and just 10 months after surgery, Joanne started working as a health visitor again, caring for people in her community.


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Start your #10kForNurses journey and start transforming lives today.