Celebrating Bridget

Senior Staff Nurse Bridget Glynn from West Suffolk Hospital has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her colleagues.

Team mate and Ward Manager Amy Wade explains why Bridget is such a worthy winner,

“With 40+ years of continuous service, Bridget always nominates herself to work festive holiday dates to ensure other colleagues have the opportunity to take leave. She is well known for making these times on the unit special – not only for the staff working alongside her but also for the patients and their families, often adding personal touches at her own expense.There will always be baubles and tinsel at Christmas when Bridget is here!

“In recent years she has encouraged the team to support the local foodbank charity in place of sending christmas cards. Aside from festive celebrations she is also thoughtful when it comes to recognising the other successes that staff achieve both personally and professionally. This recognition means a lot and helps people to be valued.

“Bridget recognises when someone is having a difficult time and will go above and beyond to ensure their needs are addressed whilst ensuring they feel supported and valued. Bridget epitomises what it is to be a Nurse. She has witnessed numerous changes within the NHS over her many years of service and has been supportive throughout. At a time when we are all striving to make a difference for patients, families and colleagues Bridget does this effortlessly and selflessly.”

Read more about Bridget

“National award honours Suffolk nurse Bridget” West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust website