Celebrating Claire, Sian & Savannah

Nursing staff from LOROS Hospice in Leicester have won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for their colleagues after they administered life-saving care to a colleague.

Nursing Team Leader Liz Hunt explains why Claire Halford, Sian Cooke and Savannah Dilkes deserve their award.

“They gave CPR to a colleague who collapsed in cardiac arrest in the sluice room on the ward. The team had to force their way into the room as the colleague had collapsed behind the door and they started immediate CPR. The patient regained a pulse and was then blue-lighted to hospital where she has been successfully stented and has survived. Thanks to their professionalism and team work, the colleague is now recovering at home. As their team leader I am so immensely proud of them and they all deserve the recognition of a Cavell Star Award.”

“When you work as a nurse you know you may need to resuscitate a patient, but you never expect a colleague. Claire, Sian and Savannah, I have an immense sense of pride over your actions. On behalf of LOROS, thank you. We’re very lucky to have such dedicated staff.”

Read more on the LOROS Hospice website