Celebrating Fiona

Deputy Chief Nursing Officer Fiona Hoskins has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her colleagues.

Deputy Chief Nurse Matthew Hodson explains why Fiona is a worthy winner.

“Throughout her time as Deputy CNO Fiona has supported the International Educated Nurses programme and ensured the right pastoral support of our IENs. Alongside this has been her unwavering support for reverse mentoring and professional nurse advocates. Supporting and mentoring a number of nurses through leadership and academic programs. Fiona takes a great deal of pride and is passionate about the NHS and the nursing profession and is a role model for many nurses with her dedication and passion for nursing.

Fiona reacted to winning her Cavell Star Award.

“To be recognised by the team at University Hospitals Dorset for my service to them and our population is such a humbling honour, for which I am still a little in shock.

“As a nurse leader I recognise that teams who feel valued deliver great care and so promoting and role modelling compassionate leadership is something that I work hard at. Kindness and compassion are personal and professional values that I hold close. I have been fortunate to be shaped by great leaders and I hope that in turn I am shaping the leaders of the future.”

“I feel honoured for all the opportunities that nursing has given me and the incredible inspiring people I have met. Nursing really is a fantastic career that I would happily recommend to anyone.”