Celebrating Mandie

Ward Sister Mandie Linnington from Royal Derby Hospital has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her patients.

Retired Clinical Nurse Specialist Mary White was in hospital over the festive period last year and experienced Mandie’s care and felt compelled to nominate her for an award. Mary explains why Mandie is such a worthy winner,

“Mandie’s style of management was reflected in the standard of care on offer throughout the unit. No buzzers or patient queries left unanswered.
‘We are more like a family – no one leaves’ a junior member of staff told me. I met a night staff nurse – retired before Covid – who came back to help Mandy out 2 nights a week and does not want to leave now in spite of some mobility issues.

“In summary I would say that Mandy is a combination of the best of the old and new. She is efficient and knowledgeable about her patients (the old) without the cold remote manner many used to exhibit. Relaxed, friendly and informal (the new). I left hospital feeling hopeful that, just perhaps, there is light at the end of the tunnel providing there are at least some in the nurse training field who may share Mandie’s ideals.”


Read more about Mandie

“Joy for compassionate colleague Mandie whose been awarded Cavell Star.” University Hospitals of Derby and Burton website