Celebrating Martina

Assistant Director of Nursing Martina Kingscott from Royal Bolton Hospital has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her patients.

Martina was nominated by her team and Admiral Dementia Specialist Nurse and colleague Kerry Lyons explains why Martina is such a worthy winner,

“We are nominating Martina in recognition of the continuous work she undertakes to improve the experience of care for patients and their families. She manages the Adult and Child Safeguarding Team, Tissue Viability Service, Falls Prevention Service, Enhanced Care Team, Learning Disability Nurse Service and Admiral Nurse Dementia support service for patients and their carers. A huge portfolio that she delivers with absolute passion.

“In everything she does, she goes above and beyond, striving for risk reduction, improvement and better experience of care. As a colleague, she is kind, caring, supportive and always tries to promote and lift others into the spotlight to be recognised. As a team, we would like to recognise her in her own right, as a very very special nurse of note.

“A true role model, we are truly proud to work alongside her.”

Read  more about Martina…

“Assistant Director of Nursing surprised with a Cavell Nurses Trust Award.” Bolton NHS Foundation Trust website