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A message for International Women’s Day by Benedicta Ogunyinka

“The Art of Nursing,” a phrase coined by Florence Nightingale, deeply reflects the essence of nursing and its focus on individual connectedness. Empathy, at the heart of this connection, is not just a skill but an essential quality nurses bring to their work. As a nursing student in Nigeria, I quickly learned that empathy goes beyond understanding a patient’s needs—it is about truly connecting with them, and sensing their thoughts, emotions, and fears, even when they aren’t verbalised. Despite the challenging healthcare system, I’ve observed how nurses, particularly women, go above and beyond for their patients. Empathy drives them to care for others selflessly, even in difficult circumstances. A nurse’s empathy may mean leaving her sick child to care for others or skipping lunch to ensure a patient feels nourished. This ability to care for others, even when one’s own needs are unmet, is what makes nursing such a special and vital profession.

To women beginning their nursing journey, whether as students or early-career nurses, I encourage you that nursing is not just about medical skills but about connection, compassion, and the unique qualities that you bring to this field. The profession needs women from all walks of life, cultures, and backgrounds because it is your empathy, perspective, and dedication that make the difference in patient care. Your journey may be challenging at times, but always remember that as women in nursing, we are poised to make a profound impact through our empathy and care. Be proud of the profession you have chosen—through your care, you help bring healing and hope to the world.