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A message for International Women’s Day by Bernadette Rochford MBE – Principal Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, National Mentor for FTSU Guardians 

Browsing a 1950’s nursing manual, I was struck by the gold-standard nursing practice of the day. The text outlined how the nurse (female) should greet a gentleman patient at the hospital entrance to welcome and enquire as to his journey. Numerous pages of elaborate detail followed in how to ensure the gentleman was comfortable and his modesty protected throughout his stay. Not even a paragraph was dedicated to the female patient. In another seventy years, will nurses look back on 2025 and be able to say how far we have come?

In the early 1980s, I trained as a general then a mental health nurse. I had a great, fulfilling, fun career working in the NHS and overseas. All that changed when I spoke up as a Clinical Commissioner. I was struck by barriers to speaking up and the inequalities in the system. My personal journey through speaking up led me to become a Principal Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) Guardian and a national mentor for other FTSU Guardians. As FTSU Guardians, we help support those trying to speak up in the workplace. Speaking up has transformed my work, my life, and gave me the honour of receiving an MBE and Churchill Fellowship Award to further expand and share my learning.

My advice is do not wait to speak up until you have found your purpose and passion – speak your truth and your purpose and passion will find you. Do not wait until you are articulate or fluent enough if not using your first language. Own your space, speak your truth, share your integrity and empower others. Speak up so you can be heard and make the difference we are each here for. There is strength in numbers and a momentous force when truth is the driving force. May we be united through our diversity and diverse in our unity.